What is acne? Symptoms and cause

 What is acne? Symptoms and cause

 Skin break out vulgaris is an irritation of the skin, brought about by changes in the pilosebaceous units (skin structures that contain the hair follicle and related sebaceous organ).

Episodes have all the earmarks of being exacerbated during pregnancy and in kids.

This condition is common in adolescence, especially in Western societies, probably because of the high genetic makeup. It is considered an abnormal response to normal male testosterone levels. Most people's response diminishes with time and thus the onset usually disappears, or at least decreases, after a person has reached the age of twenty. No, owever, there is no way to predict how long it will take for it to disappear altogether, and some people will continue to suffer from acne for decades, up to thirty-forty and beyond. Acne mainly affects a large percentage of people in one stage of life.


The most common type of acne is known as acne vulgaris, meaning “common rash.” Excessive excess of oil from blended fabrics meets dead skin cells naturally blocking the hair follicles. It has also been reported that in some cases improper treatment of keritinization in the skin leads to abnormal skin permeability. The oil content builds up under the blocked pore, providing a complete environment for the skin Propropibibacterium acnes to increase uncontrolled growth. In response, the skin burns, producing a visible lesion. The face, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms are particularly affected.

The most common inflammatory lesions are: comedones, papules, pustules, bumps and inflammatory cysts. These are the most common forms of redness or redness, and even inflammation of the abscess. Cysters 'sebaceous cysts' can mature, aptly called epidermoid cysts, which appear in contact with acne or on their own but are not permanent. After the lesions have been resolved, prominent unsightly scars may remain.

Apart from the scar, its major effects are psychological, such as lowering self-esteem and depression. Acne mainly occurs during adolescence, when people are already insecure in society.

Causes of acne-

Why some people get acne while others do not get it is completely unknown. It is known that in part it is an inheritance. A few elements are known to be connected to skin inflammation:

Hormonal movement, like feminine cycles and adolescence Stress, with increased release of hormones from the adrenal glands (stress).

Hyperactive sebaceous glands, located between the three sources of the above hormones.

Collection of dead skin cells.

Bacteria in the pores, where the body becomes an ‘allergen’ in them.

Skin irritation or itching of any kind will trigger the inflammation.

Use of anabolic steroids.

Any medicine that contains halogen (iodide, chloride, bromide), lithium, barbiturates, or androgens.

Exposure to high levels of the chemical chlorine, especially dioxins containing chlorine, can cause a strong, long-lasting acne, known as Chloracne.

Traditionally, attention has focused on excessive production of the hormone sebum as a major cause of acne. Recently, there has been a strong focus on reducing the follicle channel as the second largest participant. Abnormal cell proliferation, abnormal cell adhesion (hyperkeratinization) within the follicle, and water retention (inflammation of the skin as well as compression of the cords) are all prioritized. Several hormones are linked to acne: male hormones testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), and insulin-like factor 1 (IGF-I). Furthermore, skin break out inclined skin has been demonstrated to be insulin-safe.

The development of acne vulgaris over the years is not uncommon, although this is a group of Rosacea ages that may look similar. Real acne vulgaris in older adults can be a feature of a basic condition such as pregnancy and disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome or abnormal Cushing's syndrome.

Misconceptions about causes

There are many misconceptions and rumors about what you do and do not cause:

Food. One flawed study claimed that chocolate, French fries, potatoes, and sugar, among others, affected acne. Feeding costs when they get such food affects the weight of their acne. A recent study, based on a survey of 47,335 women, found a positive relationship between the use of milk and acne, especially skimmed. it is caused by hormones (such as IGF-I cows) present in cow's milk; but this was not shown for sure. Seafood, on the other hand, may contain high levels of iodine, but it is probably not enough to cause acne. However, people who are prone to acne may want to avoid overuse of foods high in iodine. It has also been suggested that there is a link between refined sugary foods and acne. According to this view, the astonishing absence of chiefs in non-western societies can be explained by the low glycemic index of these predatory nations. Further research is needed to determine whether reduced consumption of glycemic foods (such as cold drinks, sweets, white bread) can significantly reduce acne, or the use of high-glycemic foods should, in any case, be maintained at least, for general health reasons.

Personal hygiene. Acne is not caused by dirt. This misconception is probably due to the fact that acne involves skin infections. In fact, the blockade that causes acne occurs in the depths of a small follicle channel, where it is impossible to wash. These plugs are made up of cells and sebum produced there by the body. Bacteria affected by the same bacteria are always present on the skin. Regular cleansing of the skin can reduce, but not prevent, individual acne and very little difference between people is due to hygiene. Anything other than gentle cleansing can exacerbate existing ulcers and encourage new ones by damaging or drying the skin too much.

Sex. Common myths say that celibacy or masturbation causes acne and, on the other hand, that sex can cure it.There is no logical proof to recommend that any of these are valid. It is true, however, that anger and stress affect hormone levels and thus produce body fat. Whether any increase in oil production due to pressure is sufficient to create acne is currently being investigated

Warning-Story tips and suggestions are for general information. Do not take this as the advice of any doctor or medical professional. In the case of symptoms or illness, take your doctor's advice.


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