The surefire benefits of eating gram and kismis

 The surefire benefits of eating gram and kismis

We can use it all the time whethe it is summer or winter season. We need to take care of our body. We should use nutritious foods to keep our body healthy. But in today's time, we do not pay any attention to our food. Slowly, diseases start coming in our body. To increase the immunity of our body, gram and kismis are good sources of increasing our immunity, so we should eat it. Eating gram and kismis increases the immunity of our body, so we should consume it daily. If we eat soaked gram and kismis, then its benefits are doubled, eating it gives the ability to fight kidney and cancer related diseases. It removes the weakness of the body. It is also very beneficial in increasing the energy level. Calcium, protein, fiber, carbohydrates are found in abundance in gram.  

Benefits of eating kismis and gram

The problem of constipation is removed - If someone has the problem of constipation, then this kismis and gram will prove to be very beneficial because both of these things have a lot of fiber, which helps in removing constipation. is helpful.

Helps in increasing the immunity of our body-`Vitamin B6, iron, potassium are found in good quantity in kismis, so consumption of these two increases our immunity.

Completes the deficiency of blood-Eating kismis and gram also increases the blood of our body. Both of these substances are rich in iron which helps in increasing blood in our body. People who have anemia by consuming it, it is beneficial to eat it.

Method of eating kismis and gram -before eating any food item, we should know the method of using it properly only then we will get full benefit / First of all we have to take a handful of gram and 5 -20 grains of kismis Take these two things, wash them thoroughly in clean water and clean them thoroughly. Take pure water in a bowl and put both these things in the same water and cover it with a vessel. You have to do this work in the evening while sleeping. After soaking them overnight, after drinking water in the morning, after at least half an hour, consume both these things and drink the remaining water. Nothing is to be eaten or drunk for at least one hour. Only then you will get full benefit.


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