These reasons are bleeding in early days May occur

Bleeding or spotting in the first days of pregnancy is a concern as the risk of miscarriage is very high at this time.

👉The first days of pregnancy are very fragile and there is a high risk of miscarriage during this time. During this time pregnant women may have mild bleeding or blurred vision. When bleeding after pregnancy, women are often frightened because bleeding is not a sign of a problem. Many women have a normal pregnancy after birth or are seen in the early days of pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.

Due to bleeding or counting

If bleeding occurs for a day or two, then you need not worry. But sometimes a pregnant woman may bleed or see in the early days for some serious reason.

During this time women may have bleeding or spots due to blood transfusions, cervical polyp, sex, miscarriage, twins or triplets, ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy.

A blood transfusion can cause easy bleeding or counting. Does not show any signs. Sometimes some women view blood transfusions as a period.

If you also bleed with abdominal cramps in the first days of pregnancy, it can be a sign of pregnancy. Apart from this, the presence of bleeding symptoms such as vomiting or nausea may also be a concern.

If bleeding occurs as a result of infection in the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman may have a fever, pain during urination, or pain in the genital area.

Ectopic rash requires immediate treatment. It can cause shoulder pain and bruising.

What is a hemorrhage?

Blood transfusions in the first trimester of pregnancy do not require treatment. It does not put you at risk of any kind of problem. If bleeding occurs as a result of an ectopic or molar pregnancy, you should see your doctor.

If the bleeding is caused by a miscarriage, the doctors will try to treat it with medication. In this case, the dead embryos are removed from the body.

When to see a doctor

A pregnant woman should talk to her doctor if she is bleeding at any time during her first days or if she is pregnant. The doctor can determine the cause of the bleeding by examining a woman's blood and genitals. Bleeding does not always mean badness.

If the doctor sees any kind of problem then it can be fixed with the right treatment. This includes medication, surgery and monitoring.

In the first days of pregnancy, light bleeding is normal, but if you are constantly bleeding and feel abdominal pain or cramps, then see your doctor immediately.

Some of these symptoms are seen in pregnancy, understand that hemoglobin levels have dropped.

Pregnant women often do not have hemoglobin levels in their body. Identifying its symptoms at the right time can prevent the problem from growing.

Through the air we breathe, oxygen reaches the body's cells with the help of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein molecule found in red blood cells. Depending on age and gender, hemoglobin levels vary from person to person.

Pregnant women are at greater risk of low hemoglobin levels because during this time the baby needs twice the amount of blood, which in turn increases the hemoglobin requirement.

If you experience certain symptoms during pregnancy, then be aware that there is a hemoglobin deficiency in your body that can take the form of anemia.

Symptoms of low hemoglobin level

When there is a hemoglobin deficiency in pregnancy, the symptoms are not cared for at first. However, as the problem progresses, symptoms begin to take a turn for the worse. Symptoms of low hemoglobin are also associated with many other problems in pregnancy, often women do not notice the symptoms.

If you feel tired or weak very quickly while working, then check your hemoglobin level once.

Apart from this, dizziness, difficulty breathing, rapid or irregular heartbeat, chest pain, skin, yellow lips and nails, cold hands and feet and difficulty concentrating are also symptoms of low hemoglobin. Contains.

Know how it goes

During the first postnatal pregnancy test, doctors perform a blood test to check the hemoglobin level. For this, you should do two types of blood tests:

Hemoglobin tests: The amount of hemoglobin is found in it. Hemoglobin protein found in red blood cells. It works by moving oxygen from the lungs to the tissues in the body.

Hematocyte Tests: Measuring the number of red blood cells in a blood sample.

If your hemoglobin level is low in any of these two tests, then it may be a sign of iron deficiency anemia.

It is not necessary that the hemoglobin level is low in the first months of pregnancy. The second trimester of pregnancy

Warning-Story tips and suggestions are for general information. Do not take this as the advice of any doctor or medical professional. In the case of symptoms or illness, take your doctor's advice.


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