How to avoid stones in a wallbladder

 How to avoid gallstones: pain in the abdominal region, gallbladder symptoms in the gallbladder, do not eat too much fat and fried items

Experts say that gallbladder stones are at greater risk of cancer. Therefore, do not be negligent if you have stones in this section. Dr Mayank Madan, a bariatric surgeon at CK Birla Hospital in Gurugram, says that most of the time the symptoms go undetected, so patients discontinue treatment. Do not be negligent in such situations. Know, what are the symptoms of appendicitis in the gut and be warned how to avoid it….

What is the cause of gallstone in the gallbladder?

The exact cause of the gall bladder is not yet known. Experts believe that when cholesterol or bilirubin levels rise too high, stones form here.

What factors increase the risk of gallstones

Experts say that obesity, hormonal imbalances, diabetes, and high cholesterol levels increase the risk of gallbladder stones. Without this, the risk increases even after 40 years. Most of its cases are reported to women. 

These signs indicate stones in the flesh.

The gall does not show any signs of small stones. Symptoms begin to appear as they grow in size. Its symptoms are most commonly seen at dinner. Constipation, anorexia, vomiting, pain in the middle of the abdomen, the pain spreads to the right side of the abdomen towards the shoulders. Gradually the pain increases.

Experts say that when the condition is severe, sweating, chills, fever, jaundice, and feces resemble clay.

These 6 items will save you from getting stones

Avoid high fat and fried foods.

Include fiber in foods, such as oatmeal.

Avoid caffeine and other sugary foods. Such as tea-coffee and sweets.

Avoid eating too much food together. Divide into small pieces and eat them so that they can be easily digested.

Regardless of the weather, drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day.

To control your weight, do exercise for 45 minutes daily.

Does lemon reduce the size of the stones?

Many people say that lemonade reduces the size of the stones, how true is this? Drs. According to Mayank Madan, there is no evidence that lemonade affects the cheeks. 

Risk of fractures of bone marrow, lower abdominal pain and vomiting stones; Know how the kidneys can be kept healthy

6 marks indicate stones

Pain in the lower abdomen

Nausea or vomiting

Frequent urination but no open urination

Blood in the urine

Fever or sweating

Smell urine

How can you keep your kidneys healthy and prevent failure?

According to the CDC, keep your blood pressure below 140/90 or get your blood pressure checked by consulting your doctor. Eat less salty foods and increase fruits and vegetables. Also work out and keep your cholesterol level stable. Also, continue to take medication as prescribed by your doctor.

If your kidneys fail, you need dialysis treatment. In that case, it is very important to keep your kidneys healthy and to avoid failure. According to the CDC, if you are at risk, continue to get tested for chronic kidney disease and get treatment early.

If you have diabetes, check your blood and urine every year and stay in your blood sugar level. Don't get into the habit of sitting in one place and working out, since exercise helps control your blood sugar levels.

Obesity can also cause problems. If you are overweight, reduce your smoking cessation. If you have chronic kidney disease, then consult a dietitian and prepare a diet plan to keep the kidneys healthy.

Health Desk. Stone or stone is found in the kidneys only if there is severe pain. The question is whether the stone can be prevented from forming in the kidneys. And what to do if the stone is already made? Telling the doctor and author of allopathy Dr. Anekt Aggarwal…

1) 10% of people have never had a stone problem

The stone problem is growing because of our current lifestyle. In 5 to 10 percent of people, stones are formed at some point in their lifetime. It is common to build kidney stones. In most cases, these stones are excreted in the urine. But in cases where the stones are trapped in the ureter (the tube that connects the kidneys to the other), they increase the difficulty. If not treated properly, it can cause infections.

The kidneys act as a filter for blood. In this process, it retains and filters excess amounts of acids and minerals. But sometimes for a variety of reasons, these minerals form a group and take the form of concrete in a few months. They form certain types of kidney stones. It is usually stone, but if it stays in the kidneys or gets stuck somewhere between the ureter from the kidneys, then it causes pain.

Kidney patients are often aware of this when they begin to experience pain. This pain can spread from the kidney stones to the ureter.

In the last 5 years, 40% of kidney transplants have only taken place in adolescence. Cases of severe kidney disease are increasing in people under the age of 30. The main reason for this is fluctuations in blood pressure and decreased physical activity. In kidney studies, it is difficult to detect symptoms at first, says Dr. Sandeep Guleria, an Indraprastha Apollo Hospital Surgeon Surgeon. Kidney disease is treated in 60% of young patients when the disease is in its early stages. In such a case, the only option is kidney transplant or dialysis. Therefore, by making some adjustments in your lifestyle, you may be able to reduce your risk of infection and implantation.

After caring for a kidney transplant, what are the things that can keep you healthy, know the answer from a specialist…

One-third of human blood transfusions in India

According to orthopedic surgeon Sanjeev Jasuja, most cases of kidney disease are caused by low blood sugar and high blood pressure. One in three people in India suffers from high blood pressure. More than 60 percent of people know nothing about it. Of the patients who are aware of high blood pressure, only 50 percent take medication.

Keep these six things in mind after a kidney transplant

Nephrologist Dr. Dilip A. Kripalani of Bombay Hospital, Mumbai, says that a person can live a healthy life even after a kidney transplant. Depending on how many items you need to take care of. as a

Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables at meals

Eat this: Such patients should eat less salt in their diet. Include vegetables and fruits in your diet. Take whole grains and drink 8-10 glasses of water daily.

Do not eat this: Fish, meat, cheese, dairy products, sushi and chicken should be avoided. Do not eat fruits and vegetables without washing.

Exercise is required

Keep the weight under control after re-installation. Exercise 5 days a week, but avoid excessive tired exercise. One can walk, cycle, and swim for 45 minutes daily.

Do not stop taking the medicine

Dr. Kripalani says that antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) are prescribed. Take these medicines on time and do not stop taking them.

Protect yourself from infection

Inoculated patients are given chronic anti-depressant medications. Patients are at risk of infection the following year due to a decline in the immune system. Therefore, patients are advised to drink with boiling water or by filtration. Wear a mask for the next six months after transplantation. Avoid traveling to a crowded area for one year. It is recommended that you abstain from sex for the next three months to prevent urinary tract infections.

And keep in mind

After re-installation, use a Western toilet instead of an Indian toilet. After doing this, there will be no kidney pressure after pressure on the abdomen.

Avoid driving a two-wheeled tire as kicking creates pressure that affects the kidneys.

Avoid exhausting activities six to eight weeks after re-implantation.


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