Eating bread, rice, pasta and noodles can make you heart disease

 Eating bread, rice, pasta and noodles can make you heart disease.

Carbohydrates Linked to Risk of Heart Attack New research has shown that eating a low-carbohydrate diet, if eaten in moderation, increases the risk of heart attack and death by overdose.

Malnutrition has become an important part of our diet. When the new generation gets the chance, they should only use bread, rice, pasta, noodles per mile. All of these substances, which we use with great love as nutritious food, harm our health. He knows that such foods contain low levels of carbohydrates and chemicals that increase blood sugar. New research has shown that low-carbohydrate foods, if eaten in moderation, increase the risk of heart attack and death by overdose.This investigation was distributed in the New England Journal of Medicine. Researchers surveying people in many lands find that high-carbohydrate foods increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and recurrent death.

After all, what a glycemic diet, which increases the amount of sugar in the blood, read here

1.White wheat flour bread

2.Safel rice

3.Breakfast cereals

4.Potatoes and Fries

5.Chips and Rice Cracker

6.Watermelon and pineapple

7.Dates, dried and Cranberries.

That is, there is a high risk of heart disease due to eating them all.

What is a glycemic diet?

Low carbohydrate in high glycemic foods

it is said. That is, when a high glycemic diet is taken, the blood sugar level rises, which causes many diseases and heart-related diabetes. The Population Health Research Institute focuses on an estimated 1.38 lakh people worldwide for nine and a half years. There were people between the ages of 35 and 70. Many types of questions about food and drink were asked by the study participants. It was asked what kind of food he ate in his life or what he ate the most. Of those who participated in the study, 8780 people died from heart-related diseases and 8,252 people had some form of heart disease. After a study, it was found that those who had a glycemic (index) of more than 20 percent in the diet, the risk of heart-related diseases was found to be more than 50 percent. Heart attacks, strokes, and death were common among these people. This condition is worsened when people who are overweight start eating too much glycemic.

Women's Heart Attack-Women are also at risk for heart disease, understand these symptoms, aren't you a heart patient?

Women's Heart Attack Women often ignore the risk of heart disease. Unwittingly, women are exposed to heart-related diseases, which in turn lead to their death.

The common belief among men is that the risk of heart disease in women is low, but if you think so, then you are wrong. In fact, the risk of heart disease in men is not lower than that of men by any means. A recent study by the American Heart Association revealed this shocking result.

According to a survey, out of five deaths in the US over the past decade, one in five people die from heart-related illnesses. The study was published in the journal Circulation of the American Heart Association. Interestingly, the women were unaware of this. Women often ignore the fact that they may be at risk for heart disease. According to everyone, due to ignorance, women become victims of heart-related diseases, which in turn lead to their deaths. If properly understood, then these deaths can be greatly reduced. This is the most educated and civilized American society. Most women in our country will no longer accept that they may be at risk for heart-related diseases. Regularly, they don't focus on this issue.Let's understand what the symptoms of heart disease are and what ways to avoid them.

What women need-

When a woman has a heart attack, the symptoms are completely different from men. Although chest pain is common in both men and women, apart from this, there are many symptoms of heart attack in women that are not in any way related to the symptoms seen in men's heart attacks. Eugenia Gionos, a physician at Lennox Hill Hospital in New York, says that the shocking thing about this study is that the health of young women has dropped dramatically in 2019 compared to 2009. It was also observed that women with high blood pressure were unaware of the risk of heart attack. A major reason for this was a lack of heart-related education. In such a case, it is very important for them to know what are the other symptoms of a heart attack in women.

These symptoms are different for women than for men.

Back, jaw, stomach and both hands pain or discomfort

Cold sweat from the body

Problem breathing with chest pain or shortness of breath without pain


Chest pain

What are the causes of heart disease

High blood pressure

High cholesterol


Food to smoke

A sedentary lifestyle


family background

You also want to follow these rules if you are safe from this disease in the future.

Take healthy foods and eat fruits and vegetables regularly

1.Eat whole grains

2.Regularly lower cholesterol

3.Drink a little salt and sugar

4.Stay away from alcohol

5.Manage stress

6.Control exercise

Learn about family background

If you are unable to climb stairs quickly, then realize that your heart is in poor health

Muscle pain in the heart, shortness of breath and fatigue are symptoms related to our health that we ignore as normal. To stay healthy, it is important to check your health from time to time.

When there is a problem in our life, then our body begins to produce many kinds of signals that can be predicted that our health is not good. We just need a little attention to identify those signs.

Muscle pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue are symptoms related to our health, which we ignore as usual. By the time we get an idea of ​​these problems, it is too late. To stay healthy, it is important to check your health from time to time. You don’t need to do much to explore your body, you just need to focus on yourself a little bit.

According to research, if you take more time to climb the stairs, then you understand that you may have a heart-related problem. Subsequently, you need to see a specialist right away.

How ascending stairs are linked to heart health-

According to a study conducted by a team of Spanish researchers at the December 2020 cardiovascular science conference, climbing four steps per minute shows that your heart is healthy.

Jesús Peteiro, MD, a cardiologist at University Hospital, said that if a person took more than one and a half steps to climb four stairs, it would be better not to ask a doctor for advice.

Protect your heart with your heart so that your heart is safe

In Ayurvedic medicine there is a guarantee of removing the disease from the root and not allowing the disease to develop. Some remedies protect against heart disease. You can also take care of your heart health by using Ayurvedic methods.

There is a solution to prevent all diseases in Ayurveda. From ancient times the disease has been cured using the Ayurvedic method. Heart disease can also be treated with Ayurvedic methods. If you follow some Ayurvedic advice, heart disease can be safe. When a person has a heart attack, the Ayurveda medicine will not work right away, but if some of the Ayurveda vaccines are accepted, the heart attack will not come. In Ayurveda, there are many goals to keep your heart healthy.

With the help of Ayurveda, the chances of a heart attack without angioplasty, about 80% can be avoided. This also reduces other heart diseases. Heart disease is caused by acid, when the acid is in the stomach, the acid mixes with the blood and the acid in the bloodstream cannot flow forward and a blockage problem develops. If you also want to protect your heart, then take care of heart health in an Ayurvedic way. Include items in your diet that can protect you from heart disease.

Eat mint and basil leaves towards the beginning of the day-

We all know that Tulsi has the power to cure many diseases. We all use it, but if a person's heart is unhealthy, then every day a roasted batter and other mint leaves in the morning, where the heart can be kept healthy forever. Ayurveda claims that this keeps the blood pH normal, so that it does not clog blood vessels and prevent heart attacks.

Black grapes also take care of heart health, knowing the benefits-

It is very helpful in fighting heart disease. This grape keeps cholesterol under control. Angoor is a delicious fruit that kids love to eat from creative to creative. In the market, you will find grapes in many varieties and colors, but we are talking about dark grapes, which not only look good and taste good but are also beneficial for health. Black grapes contain nutrients such as glucose, magnesium and citric acid, which help protect the body against many diseases.

The antioxidant present in black grapes prevents problems such as heart disease, blood clots. Black grapes are very effective in fighting heart disease. These grapes control cholesterol. If you are suffering from obesity, then grapefruit is the best food for you. Black grapes are good for health in every way, so let us tell you about the benefits of grapes.

Black grapes enhance memory

The use of dark grapes keeps the memory strong. If you also want to strengthen your memory, then add black grapes to your diet. This will enhance your memory and improve your mental performance.

Black grapes increase insulin in the blood

This grape is good for diabetics. Black grapes contain a substance called resveratal that increases insulin levels in the blood, which can regulate blood sugar levels.

Cholesterol controls black grapes

Cholesterol can be controlled by using black grapes. Dark grapes contain cytochemicals that deal with heart wellbeing.

The best hair tonic 

If there is dandruff in the hair, the hair is white or if there is a lot of hair falling out, then take black grapes. Black grapes contain vitamin E that is good for hair health.

Heart health can be maintained through certain foods. We give you information about certain foods that are beneficial to the heart, include in your diet, you can take care of heart health.

We live in an era of epidemics, so in addition to protecting the corona, we must also take care of our health. It has been proven in many studies that the corona can also affect the heart, so it is very important to take care of the heart. Cardiovascular health cannot be maintained by a visit to the doctor or physician, but you can take care of your heart health by becoming a doctor yourself.

Heart health can be maintained through certain foods. We give you information about some important heart-healthy foods that you can include in your diet and take care of your heart health.

Eat oranges

Citrus fruits are an important part of your diet. Fiber, vitamin C and nutrients are abundant in it. It has high levels of pectin, which helps prevent cholesterol secretion. Potassium is available in it, which decreases sodium admission and pulse. It has the ability to reduce protein intake, which can lead to heart attacks and many heart diseases.


Kel is a member of the botany and mustard family of botany. Kell is known as a superfood, which contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber. It contains omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. It contains calories of fat and flames that take care of heart health.


Garlic upgrades the flavor of food as well as deals with your wellbeing. Garlic can keep the heart healthy. This assists with improving blood dissemination, lower cholesterol and forestall coronary illness. It also helps to reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke. Drink 1 or 2 crushed garlic daily.This will improve the strength of your heart.

Use red wine-

If you like to drink wine, this news is for you. Red wine also helps to increase HDL levels which is 'good cholesterol'. The HDL bed maintains blood flow by preventing cholesterol from sticking to the walls of the arteries. Two or three glasses of red wine a week can keep your heart healthy.


Chocolate is not a miracle of heart health. According to a study by Hardward, people who eat cocoa have better blood pressure control and have never had high blood pressure. Eating chocolate in moderation increases blood vessel flexibility and will lower blood pressure and improve heart health.

Warning-Story tips and suggestions are for general information. Do not take this as the advice of any doctor or medical professional. In the case of symptoms or illness, take your doctor's advice.


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